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Why should you train in Winter? By Joan Markwell

Why not?

As the weather cools, more and more excuses cross our lips as to why we can’t train, especially with little ones in tow. So even though you may have heard some of these before I am going to remind you why the top 5 excuses mean jack.

It’s cold

Well yeah it is cold but only compared to our summer. Compared to the rest of the world (which more and more Australians now come from) Australia’s winter is relative mild and a great climate for outdoor training. When the sun is shining, its actually quite pleasant outdoors, especially if you are working hard enough. And btw, fitness apparel has come a long way, you can buy all kinds of long sleeved, thumb loops, ear warmers, long tights, anything to keep your pokey bits and extremities warm.

Too cold for the baby outside

Really? Why?

I think being outside in the winter sun with appropriate clothing for an hour or so could arguably be considered healthier for them than being cooped up in heating and stale air all day long.

Besides they love it. There are so many fabulous pram sleeping bags, suits, beanies, pram covers than there used to be, babies can be snug as a bug in a rug in the outdoors now.

I’m lazy

Well at least you’re honest. But the feeling of going always outweighs the feeling of not going, if you’re looking to feel good. I’ve never heard anyone say I’m so glad I didn’t go workout”, have you?

It’s too hard

Nothing worth having is easy. If you want to feel energised, look good, lose weight, build strength, trust your body, feel like you again after baby, you have to do some work. The upshot to that is, the more you do it, the easier it gets.

I’ll start again in spring

Why? Winter is a great time to start. The hard work and basework are done by spring and rather than try to remove the winter bulge you can immediately see the benefits of your training.

Point is, there is no need to stop once it cools, on the contrary now is the time to commit to start or stay on track. If you would like to see how enjoyable winter training can be, email us to get started today.